Lista de peças

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Item Número Nome
sailbb24 sailbb24 Cloth Sail 9 x 11, 3 Holes with Red Stripes Pattern
sailbb25 sailbb25 Cloth Sail 21 x 11 with Red Stripes, Skull and Crossbones Pattern, Tatters
sailbb26 sailbb26 Cloth Sail 12 x 10 with Skull and Crossbones Pattern (from 6261)
sailbb27 sailbb27 Cloth Sail 9 x 11, 3 Holes with Blue Stripes Pattern (from 6273)
sailbb28 sailbb28 Cloth Sail 11 x 13, 5 Holes (Quadrilateral from 6277)
sailbb29 sailbb29 Cloth Sail Triangular 11 x 15
sailbb30 sailbb30 Cloth Sail 12 x 10 with Black Crossed Anchors Pattern
sailbb31 sailbb31 Cloth Sail Square with Black Stripes, Skull and Crossbones Pattern
sailbb32 sailbb32 Cloth Sail 27 x 18 with Black and Blue Stripes, Skull and Cutlass Pattern, Tatters
sailbb33 sailbb33 Cloth Sail Triangular with Red Stripes, Skull with Eyepatch and Crossbones Pattern
sailbb34 sailbb34 Cloth Sail 27 x 22 Top with Red Stripes, Skull with Eyepatch and Crossbones Pattern
sailbb35 sailbb35 Cloth Sail 31 x 14 Bottom Recurved with Red Stripes Pattern
sailbb36 sailbb36 Cloth Sail 45 x 33 Rectangle Curved with Viking Snake Pattern (Set 7018)
sailbb37 sailbb37 Cloth Sail Triangular 15 x 22 with Black and Blue Stripes, Skull and Cutlass Pattern
sailbb38 sailbb38 Cloth Sail Triangular 15 x 22 with 3 Holes
sailbb39 sailbb39 Cloth Sail 26 x 22 Jabba's Sail Barge with Brown Line Pattern
sailbb40 sailbb40 Cloth Sail 30 x 20 with Red Jagged Lines and Skull Pattern, Tatters and Holes
sailbb42 sailbb42 Cloth Sail 28 x 18 Bottom with Red Stripes, Skull and Crossbones Pattern
sailbb43 sailbb43 Cloth Sail 28 x 18 Top with Red Stripes Pattern
sailbb44 sailbb44 Cloth Sail Triangular 17 x 20 with Red Stripes Pattern
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