Lista de peças

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Item Número Nome
2340pb065L 2340pb065L Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with EMT Star of Life and '60116' on Red and White Background Pattern on Left Side (Sticker) - Set 60116
2340pb065R 2340pb065R Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with EMT Star of Life and '60116' on Red and White Background Pattern on Right Side (Sticker) - Set 60116
2340pb066 2340pb066 Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Fire Logo Badge on Red Stripe Pattern on Both Sides (Stickers) - Set 60010
2340pb067L 2340pb067L Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Dark Bluish Gray and Dark Brown Vertical Stripes Pattern on Left Side (Sticker) - Set 75144
2340pb067R 2340pb067R Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Dark Bluish Gray and Dark Brown Vertical Stripes Pattern on Right Side (Sticker) - Set 75144
2340pb068L 2340pb068L Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Coast Guard Logo on Orange and Blue Curved Stripes Pattern Model Left Side (Sticker) - Set 60164
2340pb068R 2340pb068R Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Coast Guard Logo on Orange and Blue Curved Stripes Pattern Model Right Side (Sticker) - Set 60164
2340pb069 2340pb069 Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Jurassic World Logo Pattern on Both Sides (Stickers) - Set 75928
2340pb070L 2340pb070L Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with 'AVIATION AIRSHOW' Pattern Model Left Side (Sticker) - Set 60103
2340pb070R 2340pb070R Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with 'AVIATION AIRSHOW' Pattern Model Right Side (Sticker) - Set 60103
2340pb071 2340pb071 Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Bright Light Yellow and Red Fire Logo Badge and 'FIRE-08' Pattern on Both Sides (Stickers) - Set 60216
2340pb072L 2340pb072L Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Monkey Head and Silver Dots Pattern Model Left Side (Sticker) - Set 80008
2340pb072R 2340pb072R Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with Monkey Head and Silver Dots Pattern Model Right Side (Sticker) - Set 80008
2340pb073 2340pb073 Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with 'JAMSTEC' Logo Pattern on Both Sides (Stickers) - Set 21100
2340px2 2340px2 Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with 'C 501' and Coast Guard Logo over Triangle on Left Side Pattern
2340px3 2340px3 Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with 'C 501' and Coast Guard Logo over Triangle on Right Side Pattern
23930pb001L 23930pb001L Tail 8 x 1 with Stepped Fin with StarScavenger Logo Pattern on Left Side (Sticker) - Set 75147
23930pb001R 23930pb001R Tail 8 x 1 with Stepped Fin with StarScavenger Logo Pattern on Right Side (Sticker) - Set 75147
23930pb002L 23930pb002L Tail 8 x 1 with Stepped Fin with Dark Bluish Gray Lines and Stripes and Medium Nougat Stripe Pattern Model Left Side (Sticker) - Set 75248
23930pb002R 23930pb002R Tail 8 x 1 with Stepped Fin with Dark Bluish Gray Lines and Stripes and Medium Nougat Stripe Pattern Model Right Side (Sticker) - Set 75248
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