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Voting for "In a galaxy far, far away..." LEGO Building contest
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First round of voting for "In a galaxy far, far away..." contest has been started.
Dear LEGO fans, please support the competitors with the comments and vote for the works of your choice. Help the best ones come to final round.

"In a galaxy far, far away..." is a regional contest for the russian speaking users.
Contest objective is

Build any space vessel or a group of space vessels (only fully complete vessels are allowed, no part entries, such as part of the station, etc.). It could be space station, model of real spacecraft or some imaginary vessel that could operate in our universe. No scale restriction (minifigure scale, mini scale, or any other).

You could see and comment all works here.

There is a special form to help you vote for best LEGO works : Voting form.

MOC authors would like to hear your opinion about their works.
vagrant 2012-06-03 12:38
Result (first round) :

1. Entry #29. Votes: 42.
2-3. Entry #37. Votes: 40.
2-3. Entry #54. Votes: 40.
4. Entry #56. Votes: 39.
5. Entry #30. Votes: 35.
6. Entry #38. Votes: 24.
7. Entry #31. Votes: 18.
8. Entry #45. Votes: 14.
9-12. Entry #28. Votes: 10.
9-12. Entry #19. Votes: 10.
9-12. Entry #50. Votes: 10.
9-12. Entry #53. Votes: 10.
13-14.Entry #48. Votes: 8.
13-14.Entry #13. Votes: 8.
15. Entry #47. Votes: 7.
16-18.Entry #32. Votes: 5.
16-18.Entry #15. Votes: 5.
16-18.Entry #16. Votes: 5.
19-21.Entry #51. Votes: 4.
19-21.Entry #42. Votes: 4.
19-21.Entry #40. Votes: 4.
22-24.Entry #52. Votes: 3.
22-24.Entry #41. Votes: 3.
22-24.Entry #24. Votes: 3.
25. Entry #23. Votes: 2.
26-27.Entry #17. Votes: 1.
26-27.Entry #33. Votes: 1.
vagrant 2012-06-03 12:40

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