Lista de minifiguras

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Item Número Nome Ano
cty1154 cty1154 Construction Worker - Male, Chest Pocket Zippers, Belt over Dark Gray Hoodie, Dark Blue Legs, White Construction Helmet, Stubble

Town-> City-> Construction
cty1155 cty1155 Police - City Officer Shirt with Dark Blue Tie and Gold Badge, Dark Tan Belt with Radio, Dark Blue Legs, Dark Blue Cap, Lopsided Grin

Town-> City-> Police
cty1156 cty1156 Police - Jail Prisoner 86753 Prison Stripes, Black Knit Cap, Reddish Brown Legs, Beard Stubble and Lopsided Grin

Town-> City-> Police
cty1157 cty1157 Fire - Reflective Stripes, Bright Light Orange Suit, Life Jacket, White Helmet

Town-> City-> Fire
cty1158 cty1158 Police - City Officer Shirt with Dark Blue Tie and Gold Badge, Dark Tan Belt with Radio, Dark Blue Legs, Medium Nougat Tousled Hair

Town-> City-> Police
cty1159 cty1159 Police - Jail Prisoner 86753 Prison Stripes, Dark Red Knit Cap, Scar, and Stubble

Town-> City-> Police
cty1160 cty1160 Race Car Driver - Male, White and Red Jumpsuit with 'XTREME' Logo, White Legs, Red Helmet

Town-> City-> Race
cty1161 cty1161 Blue Jacket with Diagonal Lower Pockets and Orange Stripes, Orange Legs, Red Construction Helmet

Town-> City-> Construction
cty1162 cty1162 Construction Worker - Orange Zipper, Safety Stripes and Belt over Brown Shirt, Blue Legs, Red Construction Helmet, Glasses

Town-> City-> Construction
cty1163 cty1163 Ocean Mini-Submarine Pilot - Male, Harness, Sand Blue Legs with Pockets, Red Cap, Lopsided Grin

Town-> City-> Deep Sea Explorers
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