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Descrição da peça em:
Hero Factory Arm / Leg Extender with Ball Joint and Ball Socket
Bricklink ID:98613c01
Peso:1.200 g

Conjuntos com essa parte (de Bricklink)
  Cor da peça Dark Bluish Gray

 Nome do conjuntoAno de lançamentoQuantidade
7172071720 Fire Stone Mech20202
7172171721 Skull Sorcerer's Dragon20203
7067670676 Lloyd’s Titan Mech20194
7067870678 Castle of the Forsaken Emperor20194
7064270642 Klow vs. Samurai X20182
7065270652 Stormbringer Dragon20181
7092070920 Egghead Mech Food Fight20184
7553375533 Boba Fett20184
7553475534 Darth Vader20186
7553775537 Darth Maul20184
7609776097 Lex Luther Mech Takedown20181
7610576105 The Hulkbuster: Ultron Edition20186
3105831058 Mighty Dinosaurs20172
7061370613 Garmadon's Robo-Shark20172
7061570615 Fire Mech20172
7062770627 Dragon's Forge20172
7090470904 Clayface Splat Attack20172
7552375523 Scarif Shoretrooper20174
7552475524 Chirrut Îmwe20172
7552575525 Baze Malbus20174
7553175531 Stormtrooper Commander20174
7553275532 Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike20172
7032670326 The Black Knight Mech20164
7032770327 The King's Mech20162
7059370593 The Green NRG Dragon20164
7059570595 Ultra Stealth Raider20162
7130571305 Lewa - Uniter of Jungle20164
7130671306 Pohatu - Uniter of Stone20164
7130771307 Gali - Uniter of Water20164
7130871308 Tahu - Uniter of Fire20164
7130971309 Onua - Uniter of Earth20164
7131071310 Umarak the Hunter20162
7131171311 Kopaka and Melum - Unity set20164
7131271312 Ekimu the Mask Maker20162
7131371313 Lava Beast20162
7131471314 Storm Beast20162
7131571315 Quake Beast20162
7131671316 Umarak the Destroyer20164
7511375113 Rey20162
7511475114 First Order Stormtrooper20162
7511575115 Poe Dameron20164
7511675116 Finn20164
7511775117 Kylo Ren20164
7511875118 Captain Phasma20164
7511975119 Sergeant Jyn Erso20164
7512075120 K-2SO20164
7512175121 Imperial Death Trooper20164
7515675156 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle20164
7022370223 Icebite’s Claw Driller20151
7073570735 Ronin R.E.X.20152
7078470784 Lewa - Master of Jungle20152
7078770787 Tahu - Master of Fire20154
7078870788 Kopaka - Master of Ice20152
7078970789 Onua - Master of Earth20154
7079170791 Skull Warrior20152
7079270792 Skull Slicer20152
7079370793 Skull Basher20152
7079570795 Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder20154
7510775107 Jango Fett20152
7510875108 Clone Commander Cody20152
7510975109 Obi-Wan Kenobi20152
7511075110 Luke Skywalker20152
7511175111 Darth Vader20154
7511275112 General Grievous20152
4402144021 SPLITTER Beast vs FURNO & EVO20142
4402744027 BREEZ Flea Machine20141
4402844028 SURGE & ROCKA Combat Machine20144
4402944029 QUEEN Beast vs. FURNO, EVO & STORMER20144
7020970209 CHI Mungus20142
7021170211 CHI Fluminox20144
7021270212 CHI Sir Fangar20144
4400044000 Furno XL20136
4400944009 DRAGON BOLT20134
4401444014 JET ROCKA20134
7020070200 Laval20132
7020170201 Eris20132
7020270202 Gorzan20132
7020370203 Cragger20132
7020470204 Worriz20132
7020570205 Razar20132
45264526 Batman20122
45274527 Joker20122
45284528 Green Lantern20122
45294529 Iron Man20122
45304530 The Hulk20122
45974597 Captain America20122
62036203 Black Phantom20122
62306230 Stormer XL20126